The Old Man And His Island!
On the island of Crete they remember the old man who loved his land
with a deep and beautiful intensity, so much so that when he perceived
he was about to die he ordered his sons to bring him outside and lay him
on his beloved earth. As he was about to breath his last, he reached
down by his side and clutched some earth into his hands. He died happy.
Later, when he arrived at heaven’s gates, God answered as an old
white-bearded man.
"Welcome," God said. "You’ve been good; come into
the joys of heaven." But as the old man started through the gate,
God said, "Please. You must let the soil go."
"Never!" said the old man stepping back. "Never!"
God departed sadly, leaving the man at the gate. A few eons went by,
and God came out again, this time as an old friend. They had a few
drinks, told some stories, and God said, "All right, now it’s
time to enter, friend. Let’s go." As they started for the gate,
God once more requested the old man let go of his soil, and once more he
More eons rolled by. God emerged again, this time as a delightful and
playful granddaughter. "Oh granddaddy," God said, "you’re
so wonderful, and we all miss you. Please come inside with me."
The old man nodded, and she helped him up for by this time he had
grown old and arthritic. In fact, so arthritic was he that he had to
prop up the right hand holding Crete’s soil with his left. As they
moved toward the gate, his strength gave out. His gnarled fingers could
not longer stay clenched, and the soil sifted out until his hand was
He then entered heaven, and the first thing he saw was his beloved
Author Unknown
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